Leaf 1 closing time
Motor 1 will be operated for the setup time in the closing phase;
In case there is an obstacle or the end of stroke operates, the control
unit can stop the opening phase before the relevant time expires.
To avoid that the door does not close completely, we recommend to
setup a longer time than
opening time.
Leaf 2 closing time
Motor 2 will be operated for the setup time in the closing phase;
the control unit can stop the opening phase before the relevant time
expires, in case there is an obstacle or the end of stroke operates.
To avoid that the door does not close completely, we recommend to
setup a longer time than
opening time.
Partial closing time (pedestrian access)
When the control unit receives a Start Pedestrian command, it will use
this time to close the gate. Max allowed time to be setup is
To avoid that the door does not close completely, we recommend to
setup a longer time than
opening time.
Leaf 2 closing time during pedestrian cycle
During a partial opening cycle (pedestrian access) leaf 2 may move
slightly because of the wind or its own weight; in this case at closing
time leaf 1 could hit leaf 2 and the gate would remain not perfectly
To avoid this, in the last seconds of the cycle a light closing force is
applied to leaf 2 too. If the set time is greater than the time required to
close leaf 1, leaf2 is driven at reduced power all the closing time long.
Opening door delay
During the opening phase, leaf 1 must start moving before leaf 2, to
avoid that both doors may collide. Leaf 2 opening will be delayed for
the setup time.
If you set the opening door delay to zero, the control board does not
execute the control of the correct leaves closing order.