TLT-2F GPS/GSM Car Tracker Instruction Manual V3.0
restoration operation is received again.
(4) After restoration, longitude value is indicated by 0. Fence is in shutoff status.
1>Turn on square geo-fence
Instruction format to turn on all square geo-fence: 311 + user password
For example: 3110000
Instruction format to turn on single square geo-fence: 311 + user paGX
For example: 3110000G5
Description: The instruction is used to turn on all square geo-fence and turn on single square geo-fence. GX
stands for geo-fence X, whose value range is [1, 16]. After receiving the instruction, TLT-2F returns confirmation
message: SET ALL SQUARE GEO GEO FENCE: ON. When turning on single square geo-fence, it returns
confirmation message: SET SQUARE GEO FENCE GX: ON.
2>Instruction to turn off square geo-fence
Instruction format to turn off all rectangular geo-fence: 310 + user password
For example: 3100000
Instruction format to turn off single rectangular geo-fence: 310 + user paGX
For example: 3100000G5
Description: The instruction is used to turn on all rectangular geo-fence and turn on single rectangular
geo-fence. GX stands for geo-fence X, whose value range is [1, 16]. After receiving the instruction, TLT-2F returns
confirmation message: SET ALL SQUARE GEO FENCE: OFF. When turning on single square geo-fence, it
returns confirmation message: SET SQUARE GEO FENCE GX: OFF.
Note: If multiple set square fences
give warning at the same time. G1 will call and G2, G3, G4… will send
position message instead of calling. As for the ex-factory configuration or in case of restoration, the status is RS by
Above stated geo-fences are optional. When the device receives geo-fence setting instruction, geo-fence
function will be turned on automatically. When geo-fence function is turned on again after turned off, previous
setting remains valid.
16. Overspeed alarm
Instruction format: #122#user password#X##
For example: #122#0000#250##
After receiving the instruction, TLT-2F will return confirmation message: SET RATE LIMIT:250.
Description: 1. X is speed benchmark value, which is an integral number. Its unit is KM/H with defined