TLT-2F GPS/GSM Car Tracker Instruction Manual V3.0
5. Instruction to return map link for single positioning
Instruction format: 669+user password
For example: 6690000
Description: When the device receives the instruction, it will read GPS information immediately and return
Google map link of local position to the number. User can use PDA or smart phone to view local position on
Google map.
Website example:
Note: If the server cannot be connected after the above stated 3 instructions (667/668/669) are sent or due to
other cause, the following messages will be returned.
1) If the server cannot be connected, it will return: SERVER BUSY, PLEASE TRY AGAIN LATER.
2) If GPS is not available, it will return GPS UNAVAILABLE, PLEASE TRY AGAIN LATER.
3) When you use Google map in China mainland, there may be deviation between the positioned position and
the actual position in special cases.
6. Instruction to report on time everyday
Instruction format: 665+user pHHMM
For example: 66500001022
Close timing report: 665+user pOFF
For example: 6650000OFF
Description: After receiving the instruction, the device will immediately return confirmation information: SET
Note: 1. Using this instruction, the user may receive a piece of positioning information at a stated time, with
its format as
shown in “Single positioning request”.
2. HH stands for hour with defined range of [00, 23]. MM stands for minute with defined range of [00, 59].
7. Set the number of returned base stations
Instruction format: 55X+user password (4 digits)
For example: 5510000
Description: After success to receive the instruction, the device will immediately return confirmation
Note: 1. X is base station number with value range of [0, 6].