TLT-2F GPS/GSM Car Tracker Instruction Manual V3.0
Chapter Three Initial Use and Model Description
After reading brief introduction to the product, you must know how to install the product. Then it comes to
product’s use.
Firstly, as the user of such product, you need to pre-store telephone number before performing
instruction operation on the device. Telephone number is pre-stored as follows:
Format:*new number 4-20 digits*user password 4 digits *sequence (1-3)**
For example: *13900000000*0000*1**
Description: If TLT-2F re
ceives the instruction and returns confirmation message “SET USER NUMBER
3) OK”,
then pre-stored number will be set successfully.
Note: 1. Initial password for the device is 0000.
2. The device can pre-store 3 telephone numbers at most.
3. The instruction also applies to new number which covers existing number. For example, A is the first
pre-stored number. If B also sends instruction to set the first pre-stored number, number of B will substitute number
of A and become the first pre-stored number.
4. Any number not prestored can not be used to dial or connect device end telephone but can send
message instruction.
I. Working mode of device
The product has the following two working modes: SMS mode (message point to point) and GPRS online
1. If the user only wants to inquire for vehicle position (longitude and latitude) with cell phone, corresponding
address on Google map or control fuel cutoff/power failure with cell phone, please select SMS mode.
2. If the user wants to monitor vehicle real-time status and inquire for its historical track, please select
GPRS real-time online mode.
II. Switchover between the two modes
The following instruction may be used to switch over between the two modes.
Message (SMS) point-to-point mode:
Instruction format: 700+user password (4 digits)
For example: 7000000
Description: When TLT-2F receives the instruction, it will automatically switch to SMS mode. After success,
it will return confirmation message “SET MODE OK, CURRENT MODE: SMS P2P”.
GPRS online working mode: