Viewing the nitrogen saturation level
During the dive, on the left side of the display there is a bar graph composed
of nine LCD segments, corresponding to the colored scale on the side of the
display itself. As the saturation level calculated by the algorithm increases, more
segments are activated. When all the segments are active, the dive requires
Sometimes on the surface, the bar graph may be activated following a change in
altitude (decrease in atmospheric pressure). If the graph reaches nine segments,
dive mode will not be accessible, and an alarm will sound if the computer comes
into contact with the water.
Setting the additional safety level
The Xtender algorithm allows you to calculate decompression more conservatively,
for example in the case of very demanding dives or diffi cult conditions. To activate
this function, access planning mode (“
”), then press “
”, “
”, and
then activate or deactivate the additional safety factor by setting the SF (Safety
Factor) value to 1 or 0. The preselected setting is 0 (deactivated).
Display of O
saturation – Oxygen toxicity alarm
The bar graph on the right side of the display shows the oxygen toxicity level
on the Central Nervous System using eight LCD segments that are activated in
proportion to the diver’s exposure to an elevated partial pressure of oxygen.
When the seventh segment is reached, the entire graph fl ashes for 15 seconds,
and two 3-second alarms will sound. If the eighth segment is reached, the same
acoustic alarm will sound and the graphic continues to fl ash, and the alarm is
recorded in the logbook. These alarms are also activated on the surface if the
saturation is at level 7 or 8 and the wet contact detects the beginning of a dive
(Fig. 8).