USR-W630 User Manual
Technical Support:
Jinan USR IOT Technology Limited
4. Product Function
4.1. Work Mode
W630 work mode: transparent transmission mode, serial port command mode, HTTPD Client mode, MODBUS mode,
AT command mode.
4.1.1. Transparent Transmission Mode
W630 supports the serial port transparent transmission mode, in which the data needed to be sent and received are
transparently transmitted between the serial port and WIFI / Ethernet, without any parsing, to achieve data transfer
between general serial port devices and network devices.
In transparent transmission mode, users can fully compatible with the original software platform. Users can basically
support wireless data transmission without software modification.
4.1.2. Serial Port Command Mode
In this mode, when the USR-W630 serial server acts as UDP Client or TCP Client, the user is allowed to send serial data
to different servers.
Customer MCU send packets in the following format. After the server parses the WIFI string, only n bytes of data are
sent to the destination address. When data is returned, the data is output from the serial port without parsing.
4.1.3. HTTPD Client Mode
In this mode, the user can send data to the specified HTTP server, and the W630 automatically adds HTTP protocol
header to the data sent, the content of the specific protocol header can be set by AT instructions or web pages.
This mode is used by W630 transmit data to HTTP server or to retrieve data from HTTP server. Users are using the AT
commands or webpage to set up the specific contents of the HTTP header.W630 automatically encapsulates the sent
data into HTTP protocol data and sends it to the designated HTTP server. The data received from the server will be
directly transmitted to the serial port without any processing. The tedious HTTP protocol is done by the WIFI serial
port server, which is convenient for the user to program the serial port without considering too much HTTP.
Support Modbus TCP to Modbus RTU(not support Modbus ASCII), the net parameter of module should be
Corresponding with the software, TCP server to the TCP client, port to the configuration to the same, work mode is
Modbus TCP<=>Modbus RTU.
4.1.5. AT Commands Mode
In AT commands mode, users can query the current state of USR-W630 or set the parameters of USR-W630 by sending
AT commands.