Adapters and Light Guides
Use only factory supplied light guide adapters. Use
of non-authorized light guide adapters may
damage the LED and/or light guide and void the
warranty. Consult the factory before attempting to
use non-standard light guides or adapters.
can accept a variety of light guides using standard adapters
specifically designed for optimum performance.
Standard light guides and adapters are listed at
Other custom adapters are available. Contact the factory for more information.
Light Guide Selection
is capable of generating up to 15W of radiometric, or radiant,
power. Check with the factory to select fiber optic and liquid light guides suitable
for use with the SugarCUBE.
The light guide may experience temperatures
at or near 85°C where it comes into contact
with the front panel adapter. The temperature
of the light guide may be more or less,
depending on its construction and ability to
transmit the energy generated by the LED.
Due to the high output and high power
densities emitted from the SugarCUBE™ Ultra,
fiber bundles may be at a higher risk of
damage. Fiber bundles typically have lower
coupling efficiencies than other light guide
technologies which may result in significant
rises in coupling surface temperatures.
Unsuitable light guides may outgas at the end nearest the LED and create a
brown or black residue on the LED and/or the light guide (see image below). In
worst case situations, the deposits will cause the LED to overheat, crack, and fail.
In best case situations, the deposits will cause drastic reductions in LED-to-light-
guide coupling efficiency and LED lifetime. If caught early enough, the deposit
can often be removed via careful mechanical scraping. The SugarCUBE warranty
does not cover mechanical damage to the LED or its surface.