IM 50.560CA UA (B/4-03)
b. Unscrew the cover (10) and remove the push-fit connections from
each electrode (and the temperature sensor if fitted).
c. Unscrew the nut (9) which clamps the electrolyte reservoir to the
electrode housing (8) and separate the two items.
d. If the reference electrode (7) is to be replaced, hold the electro-
lyte reservoir vertical with the electrode uppermost. The elec-
trode may now be unscrewed, by holding it just below the wire
stem, and replaced.
e. To replace the two membranes (6) in the reservoir housing a pair
of pointed tweezers (or similar) should be used. Insert the points
into the holes in the pvc body of the membrane and gently pull
and turn until the membrane is removed.
f. Fit new membrane using the same technique.
NOTE: The two half ring type platinum electrodes are arranged one
above the other in the top recess of the electrode housing (22), with the
counter electrode uppermost. To replace the working electrode it is
necessary to firt remove the counter electrode.
g. Gently push the stem (blue spot) of the counter electrode until
the half ring can be grasped and the electrode removed from the
h. If the working electrode (red spot) is to be replaced repeat step
(g) with the working electrode.
i. Carefully clean any grit or other deposits from the electrode re-
cess in the upper housing ensuring no moisture enters the elec-
trode stem bore.
j. Fit the replacement working electrode into thetop of the housing
and gently (to avoid disturbing the 'O' rings inthe bore) push the
electrode down into position.
k. Repeat step (j) with the counter electrode.
l. Reassemble the reservoir to the electrode housing and, ensuring
the bottom cover (10) is on the cable, reconnect the signal wires
as shown in Figure 4.1: