IM 50.560CA UA (B/4-03)
Monthly checks
Remove and clean, if fitted, the detachable element of the strainer in
the sample water supply line. Check the calibration of the cell (refer
to paragraph 3.2.1, Free Chlorine (Bare Electrode) Calibration)
Bimonthly checks (see Dwg. 50.560.000.010)
a. Check the zero point to ensure no drift has occurred.
b. Check that the potassium chloride electrolyte is level with the
bottom of the electrolyte reservoir neck and top up if necessary.
This operation can be carried out by removing the nut (2) in the
top of the electrolyte reservoir.
c. The particles of grit used for continuous electrode cleaning take
approximately two months to wear down. After this period of
time the grit should be replaced. The procedure for grit replace-
ment is detailed later.
d. The membranes in the electrode case (6) form an interface be-
tween the reference electrolyte and the sample water. If the qual-
ity of the water passing through the cell is poor, especially if the
water has a high iron content, inspect the two porous membranes
(6) located in the electrode case. They should be white in color
and any obvious discoloration is a sign that the membranes are
becoming clogged up and should be replaced.
Semi-annual checks
Every six months the reference electrolyte should be replaced. Elec-
trolyte replacement can be incorporated into a grit replacement opera-
tion. Having removed the reservoir (see steps a through f in the pro-
cedure on Grit Replacement that follows), the electrolyte should be
discarded safely and the reservoir thoroughly washed in distilled water.
Check the condition of the porous membranes and replace if needed.
Refill the reservoir to the neck with fresh electrolyte and continue
from step g in the Grit Replacement procedure.
Grit Replacement (See Dwg. 50.560.000.010)
When they become worn, grit particles should be replaced by taking
the following steps:
a. Close the shut-off valve at the cell inlet.