Wireless MAXg USB Adapter: User Guide
Priority & VLAN
The Priority & VLAN property controls IEEE 802.1p packet priority and the VLAN identifier
(ID). When the property is set to Priority Enabled or Priority & VLAN Enabled, the driver
supports “User Priority” values that correspond to the following access classes:
background (BG), best-effort (BE), video (VI), and voice (VO). When the property is set
to Priority & VLAN Enabled or VLAN Enabled, the driver removes VLAN ID marking in the
MAC headers of packets. When the property is set to Priority &VLAN Disabled, the
packets in the queue are transmitted on a first-come, first-served basis, regardless of
any priority information within the packet.
Priority & VLAN Disabled
Priority & VLAN Enabled
Priority Enabled
VLAN Enabled
This property allows you to specify the rate (in
) at which data is transmitted. The
possible values are: 1, 2, 5.5, 6, 9, 11, 12, 18, 24, 36 48, and 54 . The default is set to
Use best Rate. This setting automatically adjusts the transmission rate to the optimal
rate based on the capabilities of the other wireless clients and access points.
The default value for this property is set for maximum performance.
Therefore, it is not recommended for home users to change the value. Only
network administrators or technicians with wireless LAN experience should
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