Courier V.Everything Internal Modem: Getting Started
The following window will appear. Change the Setup
Modem String
to match the string in the figure below.
Select OK, then OK, then OK.
NetManage Chameleon 4.5
You should know in advance which Internet service provider
(for example, PSINet or NETCOM) you will be using.
NetManage provides a number of configuration templates for
many popular Internet service providers. The settings
recommended here are the Courier-specific ones only.
Click Setup | Communications | Port. Two settings will be
specific to your setup:
Baud Rate:
57600 bps is recommended, but only if you have
a 16550 UART. The UART is a computer chip that controls
the transmission and reception of signals through your
computer’s serial port. Check your computer’s manual to be
sure - slower UARTs, like 16450 or 8250, will limit speeds to
19200 bps.
Select the COM port to which the Courier is