------------------------------------------------------------------ Section 3 ----------------------------------------------------------------
Air Tool Operation and Guidelines
Operating Instructions
1. Prior to each use, make sure the oil reservoir is filled with fluid.
Refer to
page 5
in this section for detailed instructions.
2. Attach the correctly sized expander head onto the ProPEX Air
Expander Tool. Screw the expander head on snugly.
3. Make sure the air compressor regulator is set between 90 and
100 psi. (Do not exceed 100 psi.)
4. Attach the air supply.
5. Prior to each use, check the cone for dirt and clean as described
below (Proper Tool Maintenance). To lubricate the tool, add one
to two drops of oil to the inlet of the ProPEX Air Expander Tool.
6. Refer to the Making Proper ProPEX Connections section.
Use tool for expanding Wirsbo PEX tubing only.
Proper Tool Maintenance
• Periodically remove the head and clean the cone of the ProPEX
Air Expander Tool using a clean, dry cloth.
• Periodically clean the inside of the expander heads using a clean,
dry cloth. This will remove any debris trapped between the head
and cone.
• Apply a small amount of lubricant to the expander cone before
use or daily to ensure a good connection.
Excessive lubrication may result in improper
connections. Only use a small amount of lubricant to
keep the tool working properly.
• Store the tool with an expander head attached to the cone to
prevent damage.
• The ProPEX Air Expander Tool requires regular maintenance.
Under normal usage (approximately 125 to 150 fittings per day), it
may be necessary to add a small amount of oil to the oil reservoir
every three weeks. The maintenance schedule should be adjusted
according to usage.