Belgian waffles
200 g butter 5 eggs, 250 g sugar, 2 enve-
lopes vanilla sugar, 400 g flour, 1 envelope
of baking powder, approx. 100 ml milk
Bake waffles approx. 6 to 7 minutes
Yeast waffles
150 g soft butter, 4 eggs, 350 ml warm
milk, 1 tblsp sugar, 1 packet of vanilla
sugar, 250 g flour, 1 packet of dry yeast
Mix flour and yeast. Add the other ingre-
dients and prepare a smooth batter. Leave
the batter for 20-30 min. to leaven, then
bake the waffles.
Cream cheese waffles
150 g cream cheese (low-fat), 4 eggs, 100
g soft butter, 4 tblsp sugar, 1 packet of va-
nilla sugar, 200 g flour, 150 ml milk
Beat cream cheese with soft butter, eggs,
sugar and vanilla sugar. Add flour and milk
and prepare a smooth batter. Please grease
the waffle plates carefully!
Cheese waffles
120 g soft butter, 3 egg yolks, 3 tblsp
condensated milk 1/8 l milk, ½ tsp salt, 1
pinch of sugar, 75 g grated cheese, 200 g
flour , 3 whipped egg whites, 1 grated on-
Beat butter with eggs, add milk, conden-
sated milk, egg yolks, sugar, salt, cheese
and flour and prepare a smooth dough.
Add whipped egg white. Add onions imme-
diately before baking to provide that the
dough becomes bitter. Eventually add 1
tblsp of chopped parsley.
Carrot waffles
150 g soft butter, 2 tblsp sugar, 4 eggs,
100 g finely grated carrots, 1 pinch of f
cinnamon, 1 pinch of salt, 250 g flour
Prepare a smooth batter of all ingredients.
Try zucchini instead of carrots.
Waffles for people suffering of a gluten allergy
Corn waffles
3 eggs, 50 g soft butter, 3 tblsp honey,
1 tblsp maple syrop, 150 ml milk, 200 g
corn flour, 100 g sliced almonds
Make a smooth dough of all ingredients
and leave for about 15 minutes before bak-
ing. Please grease the waffle plates care-
Rice waffles
150 g soft rice, 600 ml milk, 1 tblsp sug-
ar, 30 g butter, 4 eggs, ½ tsp cinnamon, 1
pinch of of salt
Make a pudding from rice, milk, sugar and
butter and let it cool down. Mix eggs, cin-
namon and salt with the pudding. Please
grease the waffle plates carefully!
Potato waffles
675 g raw, finely grated potatoes, 2 raw
finely chopped onions, 4 eggs, 2 pinches
of salt,2 tblsp sour cream, 5 tblsp finely
chopped parsley, 100-125 g potato starch
Finely mash the potatoes and onions with a
hand blender and mix thoroughly with the
other ingredients. Please grease the waffle
plates carefully!
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