Attention: Only grind coffee beans in this appliance. Do not process any
other foodstuffs, such as nuts or liquid – this can damage the appliance!
To avoid damaging the grinder, never place the appliance in service when
it is empty, i.e. without coffee beans. We recommend that you always grind
coffee beans fresh just before use; do not keep a supply of coffee powder on
hand for future use. A supply of ground coffee quickly loses its aroma. The
specified settings for times and degrees of grinding can deviate from your
personal taste, consequently we recommend that you test different settings
to find the settings that suit your personal taste.
1. Check to make sure that the appliance has been assembled correctly.
2. Plug the power cord of the appliance into an electrical outlet (220-240 V~
50/60 Hz).
3. Put the desired quantity of coffee beans into the bean container. Do not put
more than 250 g of coffee beans into the bean container.
4. Place the lid on the bean container.
Select the degree of grinding
5. The longer you grind the coffee beans the finer the coffee powder will be.
In this regard the degree of grinding depends on your preference and the
intended use of the ground beans. Very finely ground coffee powder has a
larger surface and should have a shorter contact time with the water; coarse
coffee powder is capable of longer contact with water. Ultimately the beans
used and the calcium content of the water also determine the flavour of the
coffee. Moreover, selection of the respective coffee bean also influences the
quantity of ground powder.
Degree of grinding
Sehr fein (Super fine)
Mocha, Espresso
Fein (Fine)
Hand-filtered coffee, Espresso maker
Mittel (Medium)
Coffee machine (with use of a permanent filter.
For paper filters, if necessary select a finer
degree of grinding), hand lever machines for
Grob (Coarse)
French press, percolators
6. Turn the degree of grinding adjustment element to the desired degree of
grinding, by turning the bean container in such a manner that the arrow on
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