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1. The hopper is out of pellets.
2. The air damper is too far open for a low feed
If burning on the low setting, you may need to close the
damper all the way (push the knob in so it touches the side
of the stove).
3. The burnpot is not pushed completely to the
Make sure that the air intake collar on the burnpot is touching
4. The burnpot holes are blocked.
Remove the burnpot and thoroughly clean it.
5. The air inlet, the interior chambers, or exhaust
system has a partial blockage.
6. The hopper safety switch has failed or hopper
s open.
When operating the unit, be sure the hopper lid is closed so
that the hopper safety switch will activate. Check the wires
leading from the hopper safety switch to the control panel
and auger motor for secure connections. Use a continuity
tester to test the hopper safety switch, replace if necessary.
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Start emptying the hopper. Then remove the auger motor by
removing the auger pin. Remove the auger shaft. Gently lift
the auger shaft straight up so that the end of the auger shaft
comes up out of the bottom auger bushing. Next, remove the
two nuts that hold the top auger biscuit in. Then rotate the
bottom end of the auger shaft up towards you until you can lift
the shaft out of the stove. After you have removed the shaft,
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the auger tube for signs of damage such as burrs, rough
spots, or grooves cut into the metal that could have caused
8. The auger motor has failed.
Remove the auger motor from the auger shaft and try to run
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thing. If the motor will not turn, the motor is bad.
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the two brown wires and connecting them with a short piece
of wire. Then plug the stove back in. If the stove comes on
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out, the auger will continue to feed pellets until the hopper is
10. The high limit thermodisc has tripped or is
Wait for the stove to cool for about 30-45 minutes. It should
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cate the high limit thermodisc. To test if the thermodisc is bad,
11. The fuse on the control board has blown.
Remove the control board. On the back, there is one fuse. If it
appears to be bad, replace it with a 5 Amp 125 Volt fuse. Plug
the stove back in and try to run the unit.
12. The control board is not sending power to the
There should be a 5-volt (approximately) current going to the
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