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Chapter 3
Getting Connected
The PA500II enables users to link to a host computer using an RS-232, or
Bluetooth, WiFi, and GPRS connection for data communication. This chapter
provides an over-view of PA500II communication options.
Establishing Device-PC Connection
Installing Microsoft ActiveSync
In order to exchange data between your computer and the PA500II, Microsoft
Active-Sync must be installed on your computer. Use the USB/RS232 charging
cable that comes with your device or the docking station to connect the device
to your computer.
If you have a previous version of the Microsoft ActiveSync installed in
your computer, uninstall it first before installing the latest version of
Microsoft ActiveSync.
To install Microsoft ActiveSync on your computer:
1. Close any open programs, including those that run at startup, and disable
any virus-scanning software.
2. Download the ActiveSync software from the Microsoft ActiveSync
Download page at
3. Browse to the location of the downloaded file, and double-click it. The
installation wizard begins.
4. Follow the instructions on the screen to install Microsoft ActiveSync.