Getting Started
Chapter 1
Introducing the HT580
Thank you for choosng the HT580 from Untech Electronc Co. Ltd. Ths Portable
Data Collecton Termnal s one of the most user-frendly handheld termnals on the
market - perfect for small retalers. Developed under the C language, the HT580’s
propretary Operatng System s capable of helpng you develop and run applcaton
programs specifically designed by you for your own unique business. Weighing only
150g (5.3 oz), the lght weght of the HT580 s deal for the long work days typcal n a
retal envronment. Despte ts lght weght, the HT580 s unusually robust - capable of
sustaining 1.2 meter (4 foot) drops to a concrete floor.
We beleve the HT580 wll more than satsfy your own unque retal requrements.
The HT580 standard package ncludes the HT580 termnal, communcaton cradle,
adaptor, USB & RS232 Y cable, holster, and strap. Addtonally, two alternatve types
of communcaton/chargng cradles - RS232 and Modem - are offered as optons.