Unisys Remote Worker Kit User Guide
IPv6 Settings
Connection Type Native.
IPv6 LAN Setting
Enable LAN Toggle the switch to enable or disable IPv6 LAN.
LAN IPv6 Address Internet Protocol Version 6 (IPv6) is a network layer protocol that enables data communications over a
packet switched network.
LAN Prefix Length IPv6 Prefix Length is used to identify how many bits of a Global Unicast IPv6 Address are there in a
network packet.
LAN IPv6 Prefix The leftmost fields of the IPv6 address along with the network bits length represented in CIDR format is
known as the network prefix.
Enable Pool Setting Toggle the switch to enable or disable IPv6 LAN DHCP Pool.
DHCP Pool Start Enter the start IPv6 address of the DHCP Pool.
DHCP Pool End Enter the end IPv6 address of the DHCP Pool.
LAN IPv6 MTU MTU (Maximum Transmission Unit) is the single largest frame or packet of data that can be transmitted
across a network.
IPv6 DNS Setting
Connect to DNS
Server Automatically
Toggle the switch to connect to DNS server or not.
IPv6 DNS Server 1 Enter a DNS Server address manually.
IPv6 DNS Server 2 Enter a second DNS Server address manually.