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PCHS/TPCHS SERIES Quick-Set PowerCassette®
Manual No. tpchs-2
13.3 Output Voltages.
Each output voltage is factory set to its nominal value to an accuracy of
±1%. The V1 and V2 output voltages can be more accurately adjusted to a value within a
±5% range by means of external components as shown in Figure 6. Also be aware of he
output voltage polarities as shown in the Model Suffix Selector in Appendix 1.
Figure 6 - Output Voltage Adjustment (V1 & V2)
Output Power.
The maximum continuous output power from all outputs is 600 watts. The
maximum combined current or power for V1 and V2 on any model must not exceed 120
amperes or 500 watts; for V3, V4 and V5 combined, 171 watts; and for the total unit, 600
watts. The maximum output power of a PowerCassette may be drawn up to 50°C ambient
temperature. Above 500C the total output power must be derated by 2.5%/°C. See Figure
7. The maximum operating ambient temperature is 70°C, at which the total output power
must be derated by 50%.
Figure 7 - Rated Total Output Power vs. Ambient Temperature
13.5 Output Overload Protection.
PowerCassette outputs are protected from damage due to
an overload or short circuit condition. This protection is continuous and without damage;
recovery is automatic when the overload or short circuit condition is removed. PowerCas-
sette incorporates a “straight line” method of current limiting. When the output current
reaches an overload threshold, the voltage begins to drop sharply so that the current, with
a given overload impedance, forces the voltage to a level which maintains the current at an
equilibrium point.
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