Manual CWD 2005
Manual CWD2005.doc
Dual Sample Streams
As an option the instrument can be configured to measure two different process gas
streams in sequence. Each process gas can be measured on line for a specified time
period. Each gas stream has a dedicated 4-20 mA output signal.
In the screen shot above, process gas 1 and process gas 2, measure for 10 minutes
and the purge time for process gas 1 and 2 is 1 second to smooth the transition time
to the new stream. After a purge time of 1 minute the process gas shows the new
stream value and this is a standard configuration.
In the example above, the values for the two gases are shown, the last measured
gas stream is displayed as a fixed value in the left hand display screen and the right
hand display is the online value. The information window at the top right indicates
process gas 2 is online.
A small dual stream sample module with gauges, regulators and filters,
including a calibration gas connection is available as an option. This module can be
wall mounted near the CWD 2005 gas inlet connections.
The following screen shows a typical dual sample stream trend with 10 minutes on
each sample stream with process gas 1 currently online.