Fixing problems
Fixing problems
Responding to error messages on the
Possible causes:
Maximum input time exceeded.
Handset not replaced.
Possible reactions:
Make entries more quickly, avoid long pauses between key presses.
Possible causes:
System is overloaded, no line free, queue full.
Possible reactions:
Wait and try again later.
Possible causes:
a) Function is currently not available.
b) The phone number dialed is not in service.
Possible reactions:
a) Wait and try again later.
b) Enter the number correctly or call the exchange.
Possible causes:
Speed dial number not available, reminder entered incorrectly, blocked or invalid
entry, prerequisite not met (e.g. second call not waiting in the case of alternat-
ing), incomplete number dialed.
Possible reactions:
Correct entry, select permitted option, and enter phone number in full.
Possible causes:
a) Disabled function selected.
b) Incorrect PIN entered.
Possible reactions:
a) Apply for authorization for disabled function from administrator.
b) Enter correct PIN.
Time exceeded
Please try later
Currently not accessible
Not possible
Incorrect input
Nothing stored
Not authorized
Not allowed