MSR110D Programmer’s Manual UDN PM008 Rev. D
Section 5 – Configuration Commands 2002/3/19
Uniform Industrial Corp.
Proprietary and Confidential
Total 44 pages
(53h 4Eh
Write serial number
1 Serial number can be set as 0-7 characters
2 The character in hex is valid from 20 to 7E.
Table 5-32. Write serial nuber
Command Form (Hex)
Serial Number Code
09h 00h 02h 53h 4Eh 16h
0000000 (7 zeros, default)
Example of Serial Number Setting
09h 00h 03h 53h 4Eh 0Ah 1Dh
One character: 0Ah
09h 00h 09h 53h 4Eh 31h 32h 33h 34h 35h 36h 37h 2Dh Seven characters: 31h 32h 33h 34h 35h 36h 37h
Note: Before sending SN command, if the LED is blinking, it may let LED keep either on or off still during the SN
is in the process of writing.