Copyright 2017 Unifire
Main Trial for Ignition Period [0:1:15seconds]
Up to 15 seconds may be configured for main trial for ignition. This time should be selected to meet the
requirements of the governing codes in the end users jurisdiction. This time will be used in direct
ignition mode, interrupted pilot and continuous pilot if a main flame detection source is configured.
During MTFI the main flame must be proven. If not proven, direct ignition systems shall have all outputs
de-energized, interrupted and continuous pilot systems shall have DO2 and DO3 de-energized. If the
system is not configured to retrial/recycle this results in lock out requiring a reset.
Main Flame Stabilization Period [0:1:10seconds]
During MTFI, on detection of a flame the main flame stabilizastion timer shall be executed. On expiry of
this timer, if the flame remains proven the MTFI is successful.
Pilot Flame Failure Response Time [0:1:4seconds]
On loss of pilot flame a flame failure response timer may be configured during which the IGN output
shall re-energize to recover the pilot flame. If successful the DO2 and DO3 status outputs remain
energized, if not successful the module will adopt the lock-out state unless recycle/retrials are
Main Flame Failure Response Time [0:1:4 seconds]
On loss of main flame a flame failure response timer may be configured during which the IGN output
shall re-energize to recover the main flame. If successful the DO2 and DO3 status outputs remain
energized, if not successful the module will adopt the lock-out state unless recycle/retrials are
Pilot Recycle/Retrial Number [0-255]
If permitted by the governing codes of the end-user jurisdiction the module may be configured to
recycle/retry for ignition on a loss of flame. If configured all outputs shall be de-energized on loss of
flame and interpurge timer executed prior to re-attempting ignition. If flame is successfully recovered
the recycle/retrial counts reset. If not successful the number of retrials/recycles executed shall
increment up to the configured maximum before adopting the lock out state.
Pilot Interpurge Duration [0:1:1800seconds]
Pilot interpurge is executed during recycle/retrial for ignition of the pilot flame (or main during direct
ignition). All outputs are de-energized to allow the purging of combustible mixture from the appliance.
Main Recycle/Retrial Number [0-255]
If permitted by the governing codes of the end-user jurisdiction the module may be configured to
recycle/retry for ignition of the main on a loss of main flame. If configured DO2 and DO3 outputs shall
be de-energized on loss of flame and the main interpurge timer executed prior to re-attempting ignition.
If flame is successfully recovered the recycle/retrial counts reset. If not successful the number of
retrials/recycles executed shall increment up to the configured maximum before adopting the lock out
state. This option is valid on continuous or interrupted pilot systems where a main flame detection
source has been configured.
Main Interpurge Duration [0:1:1800seconds]
Main interpurge is executed during recycle/retrial for ignition of the main flame DO2 and DO3 outputs
are de-energized to allow the purging of combustible mixture from the appliance.