10. Select or enter the following:
• Display language (Default = English).
• USB 2.0 Camera (from USB Video Device dropdown list)
• DID Code (located on the back of the monitor)
• Security Code (The default security code is 12345.)
You can set up a different security code at this time, but be sure and use that code when
you're using the app and setting up a Portal account. You can enter up to 8 numeric digits.
11. Click
ConneCt to internet
setting up a Portal account
Be sure you have the security code set up through Uniden Remote System software
installation. This is required for remote access to your UDS655 system.
1. Go to http://www.unidenvideo.com.
2. Click
Add neW ACCount
. The
leGAl AGreeMent
3. Read and agree to the Legal