Manual – Starflow QSD Model 6527B and 6537A
Unidata Manual - 6527B and 6537A Starflow QSD User Manual 17 01 2020.docx
Page 25
There is only one setting associated with the conductivity readings and relates to the reference
Temperature (Temperature Compensation) value. The readings are in Deg C and are interpreted in
the following way:
200 = 20 Degrees Celsius Temp Comp
250 = 25 Degrees Celsius Temp Comp (Default).
Other values may be used depending on customer requirements.
Please be aware the user must SAVE any modified settings using the box.
Once this button has been pressed a confirmation dialog box will appear. You can elect to save the
changes or to cancel the operation. No changes will take place until you accept the changes.
This completes the section on the QSD Setup.
6.3 Configuration – Configuring Sonic
There is one more section under the “SETTINGS” tab and this is the Settings page for the Sonic
This enables the user to change basic settings within the Sonic Configuration Utility to suit specific
requirements. Most of these settings are to do with specific communications parameters and are
unlikely to be changed by the average user. Default values will work in the majority of cases.