User and installation manual
Réf : 004057-02
Page : 13/17
Factory setting is OFF (micro-switch 1 on SW1 set to OFF) corresponding to hold mode for open device.
This function is inactive when control box is in « MANUAL » or « PROGRAMMATION » even if the dip-switch is set
to ON.
3.5.2. Pulse mode on closing for control devices
Pulse mode allows the user to activate pool closing with just a short pulse of control device instead than
holding continuously the command during motor movement.
This function is obtained for opening by activating dip-switch 2 – of
« SW 1
» to «
Factory setting is OFF (micro-switch 1 on SW1 set to OFF) corresponding to hold mode for close device.
This function is inactive when control box is in « MANUAL » or « PROGRAMMATION » even if the dip-switch is set
to ON.
(to be used by qualified personnel only)
Manual mode allows moving the cover even beyond cover limit positions; sensor signal is not considered
any more.
Activating MANUAL mode erases any previous parameter programmed; in particular limit switch
positions will need to be re-programmed if user wants to go back to AUTOMATIC mode.
This mode can be activated pressing « MANU » button as shown below; an orange LED just above the button will
light up to confirm mode transition.
This function is not compliant with norm NF P90-308 and is forbidden in France.