Uni-trol Co. Ltd. , ul.Estrady 56, 01-932 Warsaw, Poland
Ph./Fax + 4822 817 9422 e-mail: [email protected]
the instructions included in this manual.
The machine must be used according to its purpose. Any other application will be considered
wrong and improper. The manufacturer or the distributor shall not be liable for any damages
arising from improper, wrong or unreasonable use of the machine.
The machine must be operated only by authorised and specially trained personnel. The
operators’ training must be carried according to the manufacturer’s instructions. This shall assure
a high standard of the machine’s operation and safety.
Before transporting the machine packed, read the instructions on its packaging. Transportation
must be carried with a fork lift. Check if the fork lift operator has got the necessary licence. After
unpacking the machine, make sure there is a manual inside and check if the machine’s
subassemblies are complete with no visible damage. After unpacking the machine, the
packaging must be put in a place which is not accessible for children or animals.
The machine is packed on a pallet and covered with the stretch foil or a cardboard box.
4.1 Place of installation
- a flat, solid, preferably concrete surface
- sufficient lighting (which is not flickering and eye-exhausting)
- roofed area protected from the outside weather conditions
- work place with the noise level lower than demanded
- work place in a clean place
- work place should be located far from other machines
- explosive, poisonous or corrosive materials must not be stored in the same place
- the operator has to see the whole machine and its surrounding during operation.
Unauthorised persons or unnecessary objects must be kept out of the machine’s
work place.
- mains connection must be done by authorised personnel
- the machine must be located in such a way that the operator can access it from the
front or from the back, not restricting his hands’ movements, far from a wall or other
Connecting the machine to the power supply must be done by authorised personnel.
The electric connection must correspond to the voltage taken by the machine, stamped on its
rating support.
Connecting the machine to power supply requires the following parts:
- a separate electric switch which meets the safety regulations;
- a suitable circuit breaker;