Uni-trol Co. Ltd. , ul.Estrady 56, 01-932 Warsaw, Poland
Ph./Fax + 4822 817 9422 e-mail: [email protected]
The technical documentation mentioned product, as specified in Annex VII A, point 1 of the Machinery
Directive, is located in the headquarters Uni-trol Ltd. (address as above) and will be made available to the competent
national authorities for at least ten years from the date of the last piece.
The person responsible for the preparation of the technical documentation of the product and introducing
changes in it, is MSc. Gregory Tworek - Member of the Board.
This EC Declaration of Conformity will be kept by the manufacturer of the product for 10 years from the date
of produce the last unit and will available for market supervisory authorities for verification.
MSc. Gregory Tworek - Member of the Board.
Warsaw, 21.10.2013