Uni-trol Co. Ltd. , ul.Estrady 56, 01-932 Warsaw, Poland
Ph./Fax + 4822 817 9422 e-mail: [email protected]
14.0 HEALTH AND SAFETY REGULATIONS during operation of the straightening machine
General remarks
1. You can operate the straightening machine on your own only if:
- you have completed the right professional training;
- you have completed the training in general and fire regulations, as well as the job position
- you are in a good health condition, confirmed with the medical certificate;
- you are over 18 years old;
- you have the permission of your direct supervisor (foreman) to operate the straightening
2. You must not start work, if you have any doubts about its safety.
3. You must ask your direct supervisor for comprehensive instructions to solve any difficulties or
clear any doubts.
3. Operation of the straightening machine can be carried out only by a person who is well-rested,
sober, appropriately dressed up (the work clothing must be tight, without any loose trimmings).
Basic operations before the straightening machine operation
An operator of the straightening machine should:
- read the detailed manual instruction;
- listen to the commands and instructions of the professional supervisor concerning safe and
correct task fulfilment;
consider how to work safely to fulfil one’s task;
- prepare necessary helpful workshop equipment, tools, personal protectors (if necessary);
- prepare the work place to fulfil the given tasks;
- report all the faults or hazards immediately to the supervisor in order to remove them quickly.
Other operations before the straightening machine operation
Substantial operations during a wheel rim straightening:
- mount the wheel rim;
- in case of power failure, turn off the straightening machine immediately;
- focus only on the substantial (safe) operations while using the straightening machine;
- do all your tasks accurately, according to the current manufacturing process;
- do only the tasks ordered by the direct supervisor;
- report all the work accidents immediately to the direct supervisor;
- in case of a work accident, leave your work place in the same condition in which the accident
happened, until the emergency team arrives;
- in case of any doubts concerning safe task fulfilment, listen to the instructions of your
supervisor and observe all his commands.
Basic operations after work:
- turn off the straightening machine and protect it from undesirable turning on;
- clean your work place carefully;
- clean and put away your personal protectors;
- check if your work place will not be hazardous after your departure.