Uni-Trend Technology (Chengdu) Ltd.
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Communication & Control Software for UTD2025_3025 Series Oscilloscopes User Manual
Fig 2-7
The sign of every button or knob on the virtual control panel is identical to that on the oscilloscope control panel.
You can click the same buttons to operate the corresponding functions. To use the virtual control panel efficiently,
you must be familiar with all function menus as well as the current status of the oscilloscope.
Note : You can only operate the digital storage oscilloscope with the virtual control panel. Waveform observation
or screen display function is not available. You cannot operate the “remote control” and “transmission
interface” tasks simultaneously.
Data table :
This shows the function relation between the voltage and time of the sampling point of the
waveform currently on display, i.e. V=F(t).
Fig 2-8
Virtual control