Uni-Trend Technology (Chengdu) Ltd.
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Communication & Control Software for UTD2025_3025 Series Oscilloscopes User Manual
Fig 2-6
Mathematics selection :
You can select the mathematical relation between signal sources A and B. There
are four mathematical relations : +, -, x, ÷.
Signal source selection :
There are A and B signal sources. You can set them up as CH1 or CH2 channel
signals respectively.
FFT function selection :
You can switch between “Rectangle”, “Hanning”, “Hamming” and “Blackman”.
FFT signal source selection :
You can select CH1 or CH2.
Remote control :
You can operate the digital storage oscilloscope on remote control with the
communication and control software. In the remote control mode, the computer screen will display a virtual
instrument control panel which is fundamentally the same as the oscilloscope control panel, as shown in
Fig 2-7.