As shown below, CH1 is a 10Hz sine wave, CH2 is a 1kH square wave,
CH3 is a 10kHz triangular wave, CH4 is a 100kHz pulse wave. By using the
independent time base, signals with different time base can be observed
clearly at the same time. Press the CH1 button to activate CH1, then by
adjusting the horizontal SCALE knob, user can change the CH1 time base
scale, adjustment method for other channels are similar to this.
3.5 Trigger Hold-off
Trigger hold-off can observe the complex waveforms (such as pulse train).
Hold-off time is the amount of time the oscilloscope waits before re-enabling
the trigger circuit. During the hold-off period, the oscilloscope will not trigger
until the hold-off time is over. For example, a set of pulse train, which is
required to trigger on the first pulse, the hold-off time can be set to the pulse
train width.
Press the HORI MENU on the horizontal control area and then adjust the
Multipurpose knob (shuttle knob or numeric keypad) to set the trigger
hold-off time. Input a combined waveform to CH1, and adjust the trigger
hold-off time until the waveform can be triggered steadily, as shown below: