Issued/Revised: 01/27/14
IMPORTANT! Please read the entire Installation Instructions packet before beginning the
UltraPlay has designed UPlayToday to take advantage of all Consumer Product Safety Commission
(CPSC) and ASTM guidelines in force at the time of purchase in an effort to prevent playground
accidents. However, because studies have shown most playground injuries result from accidental
falls, you, as the new owner of this equipment are responsible for providing an acceptable play
surface under and around all playground equipment. Please refer to the accompanying Safety
Guidelines as well as CPSC guidelines and this document for examples of such surfacing.
We would like to provide the following suggested guidelines for your play environment:
-Refer to the Use Zone and note the Minimum Area required shown for this structure. This area
must be filled with acceptable play surface material, and must be clear of all obstacles, including but
not limited to trees, curbing, sidewalk, fence, other play equipment, rocks, and landscaping, etc.
-According to ASTM guidelines: "Unacceptable materials for use zones of play structures with fall
heights of 18" or less shall include all hard or abrasive materials such as asphalt, concrete,
terrazzo, or other materials with similar characteristics." Other standards apply for equipment with
fall heights greater than 18".
-Acceptable play surfaces include: sand, mulch, fine gravel or shredded belt-less tires, if installed at
the appropriate depths per CPSC guidelines for play surfacing.
-When using sand, mulch, or shredded belt-less tires, a minimum of 6" depth is recommended by
the CPSC. UPlayToday recommends an additional 6", for a total of 12", to combat the fast
compacting characteristics of these materials. Surfaces must be checked at least weekly for
compacting, which reduces resiliency significantly.
-Surfaces such as asphalt, concrete, gravel, or sod are not acceptable for use under playground
equipment, or anywhere within the stated Use Zone.
-Unitary resilient surfacing designed for playground use, including rubber tiles, poured-in-place
rubber surfacing, bonded rubber surfacing, and synthetic playground turf is also recommended.
-Close supervision of children playing on or around the structure is strongly recommended, along
with classroom and/or home instructions on safer behavior on the playground equipment. The full
supervision of playgrounds is the responsibility of the owner once the play structure has been
properly installed.
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