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Operator Controls/Features
Power ON/OOF switch (a).
To stop/reset timer, pressing “Stop” during cycle will turn the lap, rotation and oscillation motion OFF.
To adjust cycle time, press the buttons under each digit of the timer to desired cycle time.
Pressing the Start button while the timer is Timing will reset the countdown.
Laser ON indicator (n) will be illuminated when laser is ON.*
Beam intensity can be adjusted with the rotating dial marked “Intensity”.*
The top button on the LCD monitor is the power button.*
The second button down on the monitor is Video 1 (Ultracollimator mode).*
The third button down Video 2 (Vision camera mode).*
The crosshairs (in Ultracollimator mode) can be adjusted using the knobs for either the vertical or
horizontal lines.*
*If equipped with the Ultracollimator.
Adjusting the Amplitude of Oscillation
The sweep of the oscillation can be increased or decreased by a set screw in a cam on the left side of
the base plate. Use the hex screwdriver provided to turn the set screw either CW to decrease amplitude
or CCW to increase the amplitude. To visually see the set screw you first must turn the oscillation
switch to ON and press the START button. You will notice the cam spin. Use the dial to decrease the
speed of the cam. Once you see the set screw, turn the dial to 0 to stop the cam from spinning, then
you can adjust the amplitude of the sweep.