7 - 12
Sleep Mode
All Day
• Stealth defaults to sleep mode after
a few minutes of inactivity, reducing
energy consumption.
• While in Sleep Mode, reporting time
adjusts from the default 30-seconds
to 2-hour pings. If the tracker moves
during Sleep Mode, it’ll awaken and
revert to its default reporting mode.
• If ‘All Day’ is selected within the setup
procedure, additional pre-sets will
become unavailable, and an error
message will appear.
What does the Moon & Z’s Symbol mean on the current location page?
The Moon & Z’s symbol represents a function called Sleep Mode.
When setting up multiple Geofence ‘pre-sets’, an error message appears.
Although the iCAR App provides 4 different ‘pre-sets’ within the Geofence feature, please know it is
only possible to set up multiple ‘pre-sets’ if time periods do not conflict with another existing ‘pre-set’.