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Charging state
• Solid Red: the internal battery is
• Solid Green: the internal battery has
finished charging.
What do the LEDs represent on the back of a 4G GPS tracker?
Below are the common LED statuses. If the LEDs on your tracker do not correlate to these statuses,
contact Ultimate9 for further assistance.
Low battery warning
GPS lock signal
GSM tower reception
Operation state
Flashing Green (approx. 1 flash every
10 seconds): The tracker’s connected
to a GSM (cellular/mobile) network. If
the green LED flashes more than once
(or not at all), the tracker may not be
operating correctly.
Flashing Blue (approx. 1 flash every 10
seconds): The tracker’s connected to
satellites. If the blue LED flashes more
than once (or not at all), the tracker
may not be operating correctly.
Please note:
The blue LED will not flash if the tracker is undercover or if the tracker is not in a
position that offers a reasonable line of sight with satellites.