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The tracker is no longer receiving
power from its required power source.
• Check the small in-line fuse has not
blown and that the power & earth
leads are still connected. The simplest
way is to unplug & reconnect the
device so it can reboot. If the LEDs
on the back of the tracker, next to the
SIM card tray, all light up at once, then
there is no need to check the lead or
My GPS tracker has stopped working. What can cause this to happen?
The most common reason for the iCAR App to stop providing up-to-date information is generally due
to two factors that rely on annual maintenance by the user.
• Check to make sure the SIM card has credit.
Check the mapping service has not expired via the ‘Expiration Date’ field on the device information
If both check out, the following reasons can cause the same symptoms.
Push together & twist to unlock.
Unplug at the tracker or at the power source.
LEDs located next to SIM tray.
The tracker is unable to maintain a
GPS signal.
• An unstable GPS signal is commonly
due to vehicles being stored
undercover. Or, the tracker is not in a
position that offers a reasonable line of
sight with satellites.