These Terms and Condi2ons must be read carefully as, by commissioning the product, the user does acknowledge
full acceptance thereof.
All DACE products are products of convenience only and are not deemed to be security devices. While it
might be possible to connect some products to an alarm system, these products may never be relied on as
the primary intrusion detec2on/preven2on device.
It is the user's responsibility to ensure that the gate has closed properly and is in good working order before
leaving the premises.
The automa2on of each gate varies slightly. While DACE has tried to select the most commonly used se?ngs
as the default se?ngs on the controller, your specific installa2on may need se?ng adjustment to func2on at
its op2mum.
In the event of a DACE product malfunc2oning, DACE will under no circumstances be held responsible for
compromising the site's security.
All DACE operators must be fiGed with safety beams or edges. If the user elects not to install these safety
devices, they acknowledge that there is a high risk of the gate or door closing on an object, person or animal.
In some countries it is a legal requirement for safety beams to be fiGed.
DACE will not be held responsible for any damage, injury or death caused by an operator closing a gate onto
an object, animal or person.
It is the responsibility of the user to ensure that the gate is sta2onary prior to passing through it.
It is the user's responsibility to ensure that there are no objects, animals or people that could be damaged or
injured near the gate prior to opera2ng it.
The user must, at all 2mes, be aware of objects, animals or people near the gate while it is moving and be
ready to stop the gate in the event of an emergency.
It is the user's responsibility to ensure that the product always has the latest soLware installed that might
affect the operator's safe opera2on.
It is the user's responsibility to test the operators external and internal safety devices and sensors from 2me
to 2me to ensure that all is in good working order.
The user is aware that a gate is a heavy piece of equipment and, by automa2ng it, it highly increases the risk
that it could cause damage, injury or even death. Regardless of the fact that DACE has tried its utmost in
reducing these risks, they will always remain. As such, the user and owner accepts all liability regarding these
risks and endeavours to make any person using the operator aware of these risks.
Alarm Inputs
Securi-Lock gate forced alarm, Ambush alarm, Break in alarm, Tamper alarm, Gate
open alarm
Alarm Outputs
Open Collector (200mA)
Electric or Magne2c
Courtesy and Warning
Gate Mass
600kg (maximum)
Gate Speed
55 m/min (maximum)
Push Force
270 N (maximum)
Manual Override
Lockable door with thumb wheel
Maximum Operaons
per day
150 (gate mass and baGery dependant)
>1000 (when transformer driven)
Onboard Receiver Type
66 bit rolling code (DuraCrypt)
Storage Capacity
1024 devices