Setup Wizard
This func2on automa2cally programs the open and closed gate limits. The Setup Wizard will run auto-
ma2cally aLer the first power up of a new operator or aLer a gate factory reset (see Use Factory
Se?ngs). The Setup Wizard can be run any2me the limits need to be relearnt. Follow the prompts to
To run the Setup Wizard it is required that the Terms and Condi2ons are agreed to, these are available in
this manual. Ensure that these are read and understood as non acceptance will prevent the commission-
ing of the operator.
Safety SeOngs
Closing Force (10 - 100%)
This func2on sets the maximum torque that the gate operator will exert on the gate while closing. A
heavy gate, or one that does not move easily, will require a higher torque se?ng than a light gate.
This se?ng also determines the force the gate will exert on an object if it obstructs it’s path when
closing, referred to as Collision Sensing. If the se?ng is too high the gate will strike the object with
high force and may cause damage or injury to the obstruc2ng object. If it is too low however, the
gate may stop as a result of small interferences such as a pebble or dirt on the track. It is important
to set the Closing Force to a level that suits the specific site when commissioning the operator.
Opening Force (10 - 100%)
This func2on is the same as Closing Force except that it sets the maximum torque that the gate oper-
ator will exert on the gate while opening.
An-Crush Gap (0 - 0.5m)
This is a safety feature to prevent the entrapment of people or animals by the gate while closing. By
enabling this feature the controller will see any trigger received as an Open trigger if the gate was
stopped within the An2 Crush Gap while the gate was closing. Only once the gate is outside the An2
Crush Gap will the controller accept a Close trigger.
Dynamic Adjust (10-100%)
Dynamic Adjust is an addi2onal safety se?ng to prevent the operator from exer2ng too much force
on an obstruc2on. While The Opening Force and Closing Force func2ons set a fixed maximum force
limit, this func2on automa2cally adjusts, as a percentage offset, from the current running force of
the gate while it is running. This means that any unexpected changes in force are detected sooner
than if the controller were to wait for the maximum force to be exceeded, as set in the Opening and
Closing Force se?ngs. Dynamic adjustment is by default enabled but may be disabled in the Run
Profile menu.
Run Profile
During a standard open or close opera2on, the gate follows the running profile as indicated below. The
operator will increase the gate speed during the Ramp Up phase un2l it reaches its Running Speed. When
it approaches its end posi2on, the gate will first Ramp Down and then Crawl un2l it reaches its end
posi2on. Many of these speeds and distances may be adjusted to suit a specific installa2on. For instance,
in a high pedestrian traffic area it may be required to have longer Crawl distance while in a high security
area it may be required to have no crawling distance at all.