UIC680 Programmer’s Manual
UDN PM063-U Rev. 4
J (4AH) – Activate PICC cpu card
COMMENT Activate PICC cpu card command. The Antenna POWER ON command
has to be sent first.
RESPONSE ATS (type A) or PUPI (type B) if command executed successfully
‘*’ – No card response or No power on the antenna
j (6AH) – Load Mifare key (Support Mifare classical card only)
COMMENT Save up to 5 key sets for Mifare classical card application
For security reason, there is no way to retrieve the key back.
j[Key number, 1 byte][Key data, 12 bytes]
[Key number]
0 to 4 (30h to 39h, ASCII Hex)
[Key data]
0 to 9 or A to F (30h - 39h or 41h - 46h, ASCII Hex)
RESPONSE ‘^’ – acknowledgement
‘*’ – No card response or No power on the antenna
y (79H) – Send DESELECT command
COMMENT Send ISO14443 layer 4 DESELECT command to card
RESPONSE ‘^’ – acknowledgement
‘*’ – No card response or No power on the antenna
Z (5AH) – I/O to contactless CPU card with APDU format
COMMENT The command is used to pass an APDU to the card where both data and
an ISO status are expected in the response.
Z[APDU, variant, 262 bytes max]
[APDU] Binary hex (00h to FFh)
If successful, the data from the ICC and the two byte SW1/SW2 ISO 7816-4 response
are returned.