UIC680 Programmer’s Manual
UDN PM063-U Rev. 4
3.6 Communication
RS232 Interface Data Output
The interface receives and transmits serial asynchronous data at voltage levels
compatible with the RS232 specification.
Baud Rate
9600 BPS default (optional: 1200/2400/4800/9600/19200/38400/56000/115.2K BPS)
RS232 Interface Pass Through
Baud Rate
9600 BPS default (optional: 1200/2400/4800/9600/19200/38400 BPS)
USB Interface
Compatible with USB specification 1.1
F2F TTL Interface (Optional)
Each track has the clock and data. Please refer to command set for the detail setting.
Transmission Protocol
The user may select from three different protocols: Protocol 0, 1, and 2.
Upon reset, the reader sends the power-on response “:”, depending upon the
configuration setting. The reader then configures itself to the protocol of the first
command from the host. From this point on, the protocol is unchangeable until a reset
Protocol 0
In Protocol 0, all characters are transmitted and received using exactly the characters
listed in section 4. There are no headers and Block Check Characters (BCC). Protocol
0 presumes no transmission errors. If the host detects an error, it may request a
Table 3-5. Example for Protocol 0
Protocol 1
In Protocol 1, all messages are preceded by the ASCII character <STX> and
terminated with the ASCII character <ETX>, followed by a one byte <BCC>.
<BCC> is an XOR of the 7 data bits, excluding parity, of each character in the entire
message, including <STX>.
Host Command Reader Response
Ready to read