Lawn or Landscape looks Dry
Lawn or Landscape looks Wet
1) Phantom power surge
2) Flow control valve is set to high
3) Worn or damaged diaphragm.
1) UgMO Wetness Threshold Level is set
too low.
2) Irrigation runtimes are not sufficient.
3) Irrigation cycle times are not sufficient.
1) UgMO wetness threshold is set too high.
1) Use volt meter to check if valve is on because it is receiving voltage
- Red lead on zone number on To Valve side of Base Station and the
Black lead on the clock COM to see if there is any voltage. If yes, the
clock is still powering the zone. If no, go to the next solution.
2) Inspect valve flow control setting.
3) Inspect shape and condition of valve diaphragm.
If the lawn appears to be too dry, check the UgMO screen to see the
present moisture conditions.
If it reads “DRY”, add additional watering time to that zone on the
irrigation clock.
If it reads “OK”, increase the moisture setting on UgMO at least
one level
If this does not solve the issue, additional irrigation cycles may need to
be added.
If the lawn seems to be too wet and there has not been any natural
rainfall supplying moisture, reduce the UgMO moisture setting down
one level.
Valve is stuck on and continues to
water after irrigation cycle ends.