1. From the Main Screen turn the [Selection Wheel] up one click to the [Manage System Set-
tings] page and press [Select] .
2. Now scroll until the arrow at the bottom right hand side of the screen is highlighted and
press [Select] until you see “Manage Archive” at the bottom of the screen.
3. Scroll until the word “Activate” is highlighted and press [Select].
4. The red Fault LED on the front of the Base Station should light up and the word “Activating”
will appear in the middle of the screen (this may take 15 to 30 seconds).
5. The small bubble on the left side of the word “Activate” will now have a dot inside it indicat-
ing that it has been selected.
6. Scroll to the X on the right side of the screen and press [Select].
7. Scroll to [Exit Menu] and press [Select] again to return to the main screen.
Activating the Archives
The Base Station is capable of recording a detailed history of watering events. This is called an Archive. This is an advanced feature used to
diagnose system issues and not suggested for normal operation.