Before returning your analyzer to UEi Test Instruments, please ensure that you enclose:
RMA label if you have used our online booking in process
Your full contact details
A daytime telephone number
Details of faults you might have experienced
Any relevant accessories (i .e . probe, printer, adaptor & leak detectors) . Any accessories that are returned will be checked
Packing Your Analyzer
Put analyzer and probes back in their cases
The case should be put into a box with 1-2 inches of packing on each side for protection . When shipping an analyzer only, use a shoe-box size
container with enough packing to fill the empty space .
Print out the service paperwork sent to you and include it in the packaging .
If you are having specific problems that you want evaluated, please add those comments on the paper work in detail .
Include any accessories that may be related to issues with the analyzer
Please be sure no personal items are packed with the return equipment
You pay to ship your analyzer to us and we’ll pay the return freight back to you – within continental US and Canada .
We advise the use of couriers that provide insurance and tracking services
Our Service Engineers will inspect the analyzer & accessories . If you haven’t booked and paid online, they will contact you to confirm the total
recertification cost .
Once accepted, the work will be carried out and on completion, returned to you .
UEi Test Instruments
Kane Canada Measurement Solutions
7601 East 88th Place
150-13571 Verdun Place
Indianapolis, IN 46256
Richmond, BC V6V 1W5
It is important you keep your flue gas analyzer in a warm place overnight
Electronic devices that become really cold, by being left in a vehicle overnight, suffer when taken into a warm room the next morning . Condensation
may form which can affect the analyzer’s performance & cause permanent damage . See operating and storage temperature specifications .
Electrochemical sensors used in flue gas analyzers can be affected by condensation or water being sucked into the analyzer, as the small apertures
on top of sensors can become blocked with water, stopping sensors seeing flue gas . When this happens, oxygen or carbon dioxide reading will
display as “—” & sensors may be permanently damaged
If you think that your analyzer is affected by condensation or water ingress, it may be possible to rectify the problem yourself . Simple leave the
analyzer running in a warm place, with the pump ‘ON’ sampling fresh air for a few hours (use mains adapter/battery charger if needed) . If, after
doing this, you still experience problems please contact our Service Centers .