NanoStat onM/locoM Ser es Qu ck Start Gu de
https://dl.ubnt.com/qsg/NanoStat onM_NanoStat onlocoM/NanoStat onM_NanoStat onlocoM_EN.html
The follow ng apply to products that operate n the 5 GHz frequency range:
Th s dev ce s restr cted to ndoor use only when operat ng n the 5150 - 5350 MHz
frequency range w th n all member states.
All countr es l sted may operate at 30 dBm. BFWA member states may operate at 36
Operat on n the 5.8 GHz frequency band s proh b ted n BFWA member states.
Other countr es l sted may use the 5.8 GHz frequency band.
Onl ne Resources
© 2020 Ub qu t Inc. All r ghts reserved.
NanoStat onM/locoM Ser es Qu ck Start Gu de