Project 2187 Drawing No. CI-3K51101 Rev 10
DMR 2720 18/07/11
Modbus is a Trademark of Schneider Automation Inc. Other Trademarks or company
names mentioned herein are the property of their respective owners.
7.1 Checks and Cleaning
The front of the case should be gently wiped with a dry cloth only. Do not apply any pressure over the
central rectangular display viewing window area. If necessary wipe the rear case with a dry cloth. If a
cleaning agent is necessary, isopropyl alcohol is the only recommended agent and should be used
sparingly. Water should not be used. If the rear case exterior or terminals should accidentally be
contaminated with water, the unit must be thoroughly dried before further service. Should it be suspected
that water or other contaminants might have entered the unit, factory inspection and refurbishment is
recommended. In normal use, little maintenance is needed. As appropriate for service conditions, isolate
electrical power, inspect the unit and remove any dust or other foreign material present. Periodically check
all connections for freedom from corrosion and screw tightness, particularly if vibration is present. The front
display window also acts as an insulating barrier. It is not possible to touch, by hand, any live part, even if
the window is completely missing, but if the window is perforated or significantly damaged in any other way,
repair is required. In the unlikely event of a repair being necessary, it is recommended that the unit be
returned to factory.
7.2 Location and Mounting
Units are suitable for panel mounting only and should be installed in a dry position, where the ambient
temperature is reasonably stable and will not be outside the range -10 to +55°C. Vibration should be kept to
a minimum. Preferably mount the Integra Ci3 digital meter so that the display contrast is not reduced by
direct sunlight or other high intensity lighting. The Integra may be mounted in a standard DIN 96 panel up to
a maximum thickness of 5 mm. Mounting is by four integral retention clips. Terminals should be
inaccessible after installation. Consideration should be given to the space required above and below the
instrument to allow for associated cables. If IP54 ingress protection is required, a panel gasket must be
used. The terminals at the rear of the product must be protected from liquids or other contamination. This
unit is intended for indoor use only at an altitude of less than 2000m.
7.3 Electromagnetic Compatibility
This unit has been designed to provide protection against EM (electro-magnetic) interference in line with EU
requirements and other regulations. Precautions necessary to provide proper operation of this, and
adjacent, equipment will be installation dependent and so the following can only be general guidance:
• Avoid routing the wiring to this unit alongside cables and products that are, or could be, a source of
• The auxiliary supply to the unit should not be subject to excessive interference. In some cases, a supply
line filter may be required.
• To protect the product against incorrect operation or permanent damage, surges and transients must be
controlled. It is good EMC practice to suppress transients and surges at the source. The unit has been
designed to automatically recover from typical transients; however in extreme circumstances it may be
necessary to temporarily disconnect the auxiliary supply for a period of greater than 10 seconds to restore
correct operation.
• Screened communication and small signal leads are recommended and may be required. These and other
connecting leads may require the fitting of RF suppression components such as ferrite absorbers, line filters
etc., if RF fields cause problems.
• It is good practice to install sensitive electronic instruments that are performing critical functions in EMC
enclosures that protect against electrical interference causing a disturbance in function.
7.4 Metered Supply Wiring
Input connections are made to screw clamp terminals. Choice of cable should meet local regulations for the
operating voltage and current.
The current inputs of this product are designed for connection into
systems via current transformers only.
Instrument transformers used for connection to the meter must be of
approved type and compliant with ANSI/IEEE C57.13 or IEC 60044-1, selected and sized appropriate to the
supply network being monitored. All negative current inputs are commoned inside the unit and grounding should
be at one point only. To minimise measurement errors, the CTs should be grounded as shown in the wiring
diagram. CT secondaries must be grounded in accordance with local regulations. It is desirable to make