PCN 504819-000
Effective Date: June 29, 2010
PII 54863
Revision AD
34. Position black/red dual layer tubes; shrink in place
Center tubes over the red insulating tubes. Shrink in place using the
same method as in Step 31.
Black Red Dual Layer Tube
If External Grounding or Shield Interrupting
Refer to the Raychem HVS-EG, “Guide for External Grounding and
Shield Interrupting of Power Cable Splices” for modifications to these
33. Apply red sealant
Remove backing from red sealant. Using light tension, wrap sealant
over the cable, butted against the red insulating tube as shown.
Build the sealant to the level of the red insulating tube.
Red Sealant
Red Sealant
35. Position black reinforcing tubes; shrink in place
Center tubes over the black/red dual layer tubes. Shrink in place
using the same method as in Step 31.
Black Reinforcing Tube
32. Position red insulating tubes; shrink in place
Center tubes over the black stress control tubes. Shrink in place
using the same method as in Step 31.
Red Insulating Tube