Pentium II Motherboards AMI BIOS Setup -Page
Standard Setup
Select the AMIBIOS Setup options by choosing Standard Setup from the AMIBIOS
Setup main menu. Standard Setup options are described below.
Floppy Drive A: and B: Move the cursor to these fields via
and select the floppy type. The
settings are 360 KB 5¼ inch, 1.2 MB 5¼ inch, 720 KB 3½ inch, 1.44 MB 3½ inch, or
2.88 MB 3½ inch.
Primary Master
Primary Slave
Secondary Master
Secondary Slave Select these options to configure the drive named in the option. Select Auto Detect IDE
to let AMIBIOS automatically configure the drive. A screen with a list of drive
parameters appears. Click on OK to configure the drive.
How to Configure
Select Type. Select Not Installed from the drive parameter
screen. The SCSI drivers provided by the SCSI manufacturer
should allow you to configure the SCSI drive.
Select Type. Select Auto to let AMIBIOS determine the
parameters. Click on OK when AMIBIOS displays the drive
parameters. Select LBA Mode. Select On if the drive has a
capacity greater than 540 MB.
Select Block Mode. Select On to allow block mode data
transfers. Select 32-Bit Mode. Select On to allow 32-bit data
transfers. Select the PIO Mode. It is best to select Auto to allow
AMIBIOS to determine the PIO mode. If you select a PIO mode
that is not supported by the IDE drive, the drive will not work
properly. If you are absolutely certain that you know the drive’s
PIO mode, select PIO mode 0 - 5, as appropriate. *The default
setting for this item is “4”.
Select Type. Select CDROM. Click on OK when AMIBIOS
displays the drive parameters.
Select Type. You must know the drive parameters. Select the
drive type that exactly matches your drive’s parameters.
Select Type. If the drive parameters do not match the drive
parameters listed for drive types 1 - 46, select User and enter
the correct hard disk drive parameters.