List of parts not covered under warranty
Normal Maintenance operations
Engine tune-up, decarbonizing, fuel system cleaning, oil changes, head
light focusing, fastener retightening, ignition timing, clutch and brakes as
well as other normal adjustments.
Wear & tear items
Chain, sprockets, clutch and brake linings, fasteners, shims, washers, oil
seals, gaskets, O’ rings and spokes etc.
Bulbs, fuse, DRL, AHO.
Service Maintenance Parts
Oil filters, spark plug, air filter, SAI filter, oils and brake fluid
Rubber, rexine & plastic items
All hoses, pipes and plastic aesthetics
Proprietary Items
Battery, tyres and tubes (the warranty terms are subject to our agreement
with proprietary OEM)
Parts of the vehicle getting affected due to atmospheric effect /
environmental factors (rusting, paint peel off etc.). However, depending
on the vehicle usage condition, warranty would be accepted up to 2 years
from the date of purchase.
Others Factors
Parts of the vehicle which have been tampered with, altered, repaired or
replaced by persons not authorised by the Company and which in the sole
judgement of the Company affect the performance of the vehicle.
Parts which are used in conjunction with parts not made or recommended
by the Company.