Side stand can be operated by sitting on vehicle with
your left foot by pushing it away from the vehicle till
it stops.
Always release the side stand to its full up position
before moving the vehicle.
To assist you in performing certain aspects of
periodic maintenance and emergency repairs, a tool
kit is supplied along with the vehicle and it is located
below the seat base.
Lift the seat by unlocking the seat lock as explained
in page no. 16, to access the tool kit. The tool kit
consists one number each of the following. Ensure
the contents of tool kit.
1. 16x17 mm box spanner
2. 10x12 mm spanner
3. Combination screw driver bit
4. Screw driver handle
5. Tool bag
It is recommended to use the tool kit in case of any
emergency only. It is always advisable to take your
vehicle to TVS Motor Company Authorised Main Dealer
/ Authorised Dealer.